Numbers all around us
Hey! So great to see you checking out this resource. Make sure you keep and eye out though, this review and all of the teaching notes will be coming very soon.
If you are on my free Community email list, then I will send you through an email with the teaching notes and a link to the review, as soon as it is live. If you are interested in joining my free Community list, just click here, fill out the information needed and I will send everything to you when it is ready.
Also, if you are just busting to get your very own copy of this resource ahead of the review, you can buy it by clicking the 'buy' button on the left.
Here's how it works 👇🏽
Buying this resource
For me, giving back to Community and buying from and supporting First Nations businesses is so important, and I know it is for you too. This is why I am so proud to share with you, that I have partnered up with Riley Callie Resources; an incredible, 100% First Nations owned and run business, specialising in First Nations teaching resources. So now on my website, you can buy all of the incredible resources I share with you, exclusively from Riley Callie Resources and support our mob. How great is that!
So how does it work?
When you buy this resource through my website (affiliate link), you will be buying from Riley Callie Resources. From this purchase, Riley Callie Resources; receives your order, processes it and then pays me a small commission for sharing the resource with you. This helps me to cover the quite large labour and running costs of my website and all that I create.
I am so proud to be able to share this with you and to be able to support Riley Callie Resources.
Thank you so much for all of your incredible support, I am truly and forever grateful!
Miss Gibbs xx
If you are looking to buy one of my recommended resources, I want to say a massive thank you in advance for supporting my website by using my affiliate links. From every purchase made, I receive a small commission which helps me to cover the quite extensive running and labour costs of my website and everything I share with you. Thank you so much and happy embedding!